The 13th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop: Why does Multi-dimensional Chromatography Matter?
December 1st 2021The 13th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop is a free event involving keynote presentations, contributed presentations, and discussion groups on all multi-dimensional techniques happening virtually on January 31, 2022 - February 2, 2022.
Your GC–MS Future Today: A Sponsored Virtual Event
March 2nd 2021***Live: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 9am EST | 2pm GMT | 3pm CET*** Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 10:40am EST | 3:40pm GMT | 4:40pm CET*** Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 12:30pm EST | 5:30pm GMT | 6:30pm CET*** *** During this special event be one of the first to discover the next generation of Orbitrap GC-MS with Prof. Alexander Makarov and industry experts working in analytical testing and scientific research. ***On demand available after final airing until Mar. 2, 2022***
Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award: Richard Yost
March 2nd 2021Professor Richard Yost of the University of Florida is widely recognized as a leader in mass spectrometry and analytical chemistry, most notably for his co-invention of the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, which has revolutionized important measurements impacting many fields of study.
The Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA) Award
March 2nd 2021The non-profit Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA) presents their Young Investigator and Student Excellence Awards in separation science, and invited speakers will share their experience in building successful careers in spanning technology and business and leading multinational organizations.