Using Artificial Intelligence in Foodomics: An HTC-18 Interview with Chiara Cordero


At HTC-18 in Leuven, Executive Editor of LCGC International, Alasdair Matheson, spoke to Chiara Cordero from the University of Turin about the evolving role of AI in separation science.

Chiara Cordero is a full professor of food chemistry at the University of Turin (Torino, Italy). Her passion is gas chromatography (1D-2D) and the unique opportunities GC plays in foodomics. Her research interests focus on the development of instrumental configurations and data processing tools for comprehensive two-dimensional GC in high-resolution profiling and fingerprinting of complex samples. Her focus is on food metabolomics and volatilomics, nutrimetabolomics, and sensomics. Her goal is to go beyond the current knowledge and explore the chemistry behind biological phenomena.

She received the "Leslie S. Ettre Award” in 2008 as a young scientist for “presenting original research in capillary gas chromatography with an emphasis on environmental and food safety”, the “John B. Phillips Award” in 2014 for her research activity in the GC×GC field, and the Scientific Achievement Award in 2022 for her commitment in the GC×GC research community.

In the below interview, Dr. Cordero discusses the following topics:

  • You recently published a paper focused on AI tools and concepts and how they increase the informative potential of GC x GC in foodomics? Can you tell us what this project involved and what problems using AI solved?
  • What were your main findings?
  • What were the main challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?
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John McLean | Image Credit: © Aaron Acevedo
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