Thermo Fisher Scientific to acquire Lomb Scientific


Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced that it will acquire Lomb Scientific, a provider of laboratory chemicals, consumables and instruments in Australia and New Zealand.

Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced that it will acquire Lomb Scientific, a provider of laboratory chemicals, consumables and instruments in Australia and New Zealand. Its customers are reported to include hospitals, universities, research and analytical laboratories in both countries, as well as a growing portion of Asia and the Middle East.

"The addition of Lomb Scientific reinforces our commitment to expand in growing Asia Pacific markets," said Marc N. Casper, president and chief executive officer of Thermo Fisher Scientific in a statement. "Through this acquisition, we would significantly strengthen our laboratory product offerings in the region, particularly chemicals used in life sciences, research and industrial applications. Lomb Scientific would also expand our customer base, increasing our depth of capabilities in health sciences, such as pathology, and building on our presence in strong industrial markets, such as mining."

Lomb Scientific produces a variety of laboratory chemicals and other consumables, and provides instrumentation and services through its commercial network. The business will be integrated into Thermo Fisher's Laboratory Products and Services and Analytical Technologies segments.

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