Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Separation Science: A Virtual Symposium



Webinar Date/Time: Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Learn about the latest advances from leading practitioners and companies with expertise in sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector.

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Event Overview:

Sustainability is a driving force across the globe, but what steps are separation scientists taking to reduce the environmental impact of their activities? Leading experts involved in separation science in the pharmaceutical sector will reveal what they are doing to reduce the environmental impact of their activities. The principles discussed for “greener” analysis can also be applied in other sectors. LCGC Europe EAB member, Paul Ferguson, has organized this virtual symposium on behalf of The Chromatographic Society (ChromSoc) and has extensive practical experience in separation science in the pharmaceutical industry.

The programme will be divided into two sections. In the first part, key opinion leaders will discuss the latest best practices for separation scientists involved in pharmaceutical analysis. In the second session, leading chromatography companies will reveal what their companies are doing in relation to sustainability and separation science, and how they are reducing the environmental impact of their activities in practice.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the core concepts concerning sustainability and analytical science with a focus on separation science
  • Find out about enabling technologies that accelerate drug discovery in a sustainable manner
  • Discover how in silico modelling and chemometrics can contribute to greener chromatography
  • Learn about emerging trends in “green” sample preparation techniques
  • Discussion with the panelists in live QA session

Who Should Attend

  • Separation scientists from industry and academia who need to keep up to speed with the latest practical advances in separation science and sustainability

12:30pm BST 7:30am EST 13:30pm CEST
Opening Remarks
Paul Ferguson, Honorary Secretary of The Chromatographic Society, The Chromatographic Society (ChromSoc)

12:45 pm BST 7:45 am EDT 13:45 pm CEST
Setting the Scene for Sustainability in Separation Science
Tony Edge, President of the Chromatographic Society (ChromSoc), The Chromatographic Society

The concept of sustainability will be introduced and how it impacts the field of analytical science and, more specifically, separation science. After a brief introduction on the impact that separation science has on the planet’s carbon load, the presentation will move to discuss Anastas’ twelve rules of green chemistry and how they can be readily applied to separation science. Finally, the application of the 4 R’s of reduce, replace, recycle, and remove will be discussed in the context of a chromatography laboratory. This will then set the scene for other presenters who will focus on specific technology areas and how these are being used to address the climate issues facing all of us.

13:00 pm BST 8:00 am EDT 14:00 pm CEST
Enabling Technologies to Accelerate Oncology Projects in a Sustainable Manner
William Farrell, Associate Research Fellow: Oncology Medicinal Chemistry, Pfizer Global R&D – La Jolla Laboratories, San Diego, California, USA

Pfizer actively strives to find innovative ways to minimize the company’s impact on the environment during the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and is continuously "greening" the process. The company leverages its green chemistry programmes to advance scientific innovation and help develop processes that are more sustainable, environmentally benign, and cost-effective. Whereas the impact can easily be quantified with tangible metrics during the manufacturing phase of a pharmaceutical, there still exists the opportunity for significant contributions to be made within analytical chemistry during the discovery phase. This talk will focus on the use of the analytical method greenness score (AMGS) to show how enabling technologies, such as SFC, can be a greener alternative to HPLC for chromatographic analysis and purification. In addition, case studies will be provided detailing the use of the AMGS to quantifiably benchmark methods and guide the selection of greener chromatographic conditions.

13:30 pm BST 8:30 am EDT 14:30 pm CEST
Concepts for Sustainable Analytical Science
Matthew Osborne, Associate Principal Scientist – Separation Science, Chemical Development, Pharmaceutical Technology & Development, Operations, AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UK

This presentation will focus on general concepts that analytical scientists can consider when embarking on the development of new or existing analytical methods to increase the greenness of their approaches and reduce the environmental impact of their analysis. Whilst primarily focusing on moving chromatographic methods to their greenest position possible, the presentation will also briefly introduce some wider perspectives and considerations that all contribute to increase greenness of the analytical sciences.

14:00 pm BST 9:00 am EDT 15:00 pm CEST
How in silico Modelling and Chemometrics can Contribute to Greener Chromatography
Patrik Petersson, Principal Scientist, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Copenhagen, Denmark

The presentation will cover different aspects of how in silico modelling and chemometrics can contribute to greener chromatography. It is evident that a scaling from HPLC to UHPLC will reduce solvent consumption dramatically. Modelling and other in silico tools can, however, also reduce solvent consumption by reducing both the time and number of experiments needed for method development.

14:30 pm BST 9:30 am EDT 15:30 pm CEST
Green Sample Preparation: It's All Green
Douglas Raynie, Associate Professor and Department Head, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, South Dakota State University, USA

The aims of green chemistry, chemical analysis, and sample preparation are not contradictory. In fact, the new extraction techniques developed over the past generation, while created for their performance advantages, address green chemistry concerns of waste, solvent use, energy efficiency, and toxicology. We will look at an overview of new and emerging sample preparation technologies, their performance in various applications, and the resulting green benefits.

15:00 pm BST 10:00 am EDT 16:00 pm CEST

Live QA discussion with speakers from session one answering questions from the audience


15:30 pm BST 10:30 am EDT 16:30 pm CEST
How miniaturization can help to gain sustainability and sensitivity at the same time
Dr. Daniel Eßer, Product Manager Analytical Chromatography, YMC Europe

There are many ways to make the use of HPLC more sustainable. A very effective measure is to reduce HPLC column internal diameters from >2.1 mm to 1 mm or less which significantly reduces eluent consumption. Another gain is increased sensitivity. This talk shows how efficiently and straightforwardly miniaturization can be implemented in your laboratory. You will get to know a comprehensive selection of efficient miniaturization approaches for a successful downscale with very practical tips and tricks.

15:50 pm BST 10:50 am EDT 16:50 pm CEST
UCT’s Refine™ Ultra-Filtration technology
Ritesh Pandya, Technical Specialist, UCT

UCT's Refine™ Ultra-Filtration technology enables concurrent protein precipitation and filtration of samples in a single well plate or column, expediting the protocol in under 15 minutes. The hydrophobically treated dual-frit combo prevents leakage of the sample and organic solvent, enhancing the filtering process and extending the lifespan of analytical columns. Moreover, this method eliminates the need for sample transfer, reducing the probability of errors.

16:10 pm BST 11:10 am EDT 17:10 pm CEST
Reducing HPLC Solvent Consumption by Utilizing 1.5mm ID Columns
Conner McHale, Technical Support Specialist, Advanced Materials Technology

Advanced Materials Technology is now offering a new 1.5 mm internal diameter column dimension. By lowering the column internal diameter sensitivity gains are achieved along with reduction in overall solvent consumption. Applications will be demonstrated showing the advantages of the 1.5mm internal diameter column including examples for small molecule and biological methods.

16:30 pm BST 11:30 am EDT 17:30 pm CEST
Oligonucleotide LCMS Analysis by HILIC Mode in the Absence of Ion-Pair Reagents for Sustainability in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Tanya Napolitano, Technical and Marketing Manager, Shodex HPLC

Oligonucleotide therapeutics, such as antisense nucleic acid drugs, are promising candidates for genetic, metabolic, and cancer treatments. The ShodexTM HILICpakTM VN-50 columns were used for several oligonucleotide analysis by LCMS in the absence of ion-pair reagents. Based on the LCMS performance, this HILIC-based approach provides an attractive, sensitive, and robust alternative to prior ion-pairing dependent methods without compromising chromatographic or MS performance. These analyses reduce toxic waste and are sustainable methods for Pharmaceutical Industries.

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