Supplementary Information: Non-aqueous Ion-Exchange Chromatography Using High Acid‑base Concentration: A Strategy for Purifying Non-crystalline Pharmaceutical Intermediates


LCGC Europe

This information is supplementary to the article “Non-aqueous Ion-Exchange Chromatography Using High Acid‑base Concentration: A Strategy for Purifying Non-crystalline Pharmaceutical Intermediates” that was published in the March 2021 issue of LCGC Europe.

The following document below includes the following supplementary information for the peer-reviewed article “Non-aqueous Ion-Exchange Chromatography Using High Acid‑base Concentration: A Strategy for Purifying Non-crystalline Pharmaceutical Intermediates” that was published in the March 2021 issue of LCGC Europe:

  • The HPLC conditions
  • Additional information on calculations, including the milligram to multigram scale calculations and the multigram to multikilogram calculations
  • Table A: Physical and chemical properties of the selected cation exchange resin
  • Table B: Experimental details and scaling

Click here to access the supplementary information.
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