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Branching impacts polymer properties such as rheology and stiffness. This note explains the analysis of branching ratio vs. molar mass, accomplished by SEC-MALS( -IV).
Failure Analysis of Hand-Wipe Packaging by Pyrolysis-GC–MS
This application note investigates the differences between packaging of normal and inferior hand-sanitizing wipes using EGA and multi-step pyrolysis GC–MS.
Characterizing Nano-pharmaceuticals with FFF-MALS-DLS
Field-flow fractionation coupled to online light scattering detectors determines detailed size and structural information for nanoparticle-based therapeutics.
Using Multidetector Asymmetric-Flow Field-Flow Fractionation To Measure Physical Properties of Liposomes and LNPs for RNA Delivery
Quantification of Polymer Contamination in Solvents
Quantitative analysis of polymer contamination in solvents by pyrolyzing the sample into a GC–MS.
FFF-MALS: Polymers in Organic Solvents
Characterization of technical polymers by light scattering and field-flow fractionation (FFF-MALS) is reviewed and contrasted with the more common technique, SEC-MALS.
Characterization of Polymer Additives
Combining the benefits of the ACQUITY APC System with the ACQUITY UPLC Refractive Index (RI) Detector and the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector yields laboratory efficiencies.