Luis A. Colón Named 2023 Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award Recipient


The Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award is dedicated to recognizing contributions to the theory and application of chromatographic science. Each awardee has made great contributions to further understanding the chromatographic process. For 2023, Luis A. Colón was recognized for his contributions to the field.

Colón is the A. Conger Goodyear Chair Professor of Chemistry at University at Buffalo (SUNY). He received his B.Sc. degree from the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey and his PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and he was also a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. Colón’s research focuses on the development and study of materials for use in separation science and chemical analysis, with particular attention to chromatographic media for liquid-phase separations and the development of new strategies to separate and analyze complex chemical or biochemical sample mixtures. He also pushes for diversity in graduate education, and has mentored more than 50 graduate students.

Colón has received several awards for his work, including, among others, the NSF Special Creativity Award, the Benedetti-Pichler Award from the Microchemical Society, the Jacob F. Schoellkopf Medal (ACS-WNY), and the EAS Outstanding Achievements in Separation Science Award. He is Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

This award symposium will be hosted by Mary Ellen McNally of FMC, with speakers including Colón, Apryll Stalcup of Dublin City University, Stephen G. Weber of the University of Pittsburgh, Robert Kennedy of the University of Michigan, and Susan Olesik of The Ohio State University. Seminar topics will address different types of liquid chromatography, electroosmotic perfusion, and mass spectrometry.

The symposium was held Monday, March 20, starting at 8:30 am. Pittcon 2023 took place from March 18–22.

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