Introducing the Q Exactive™ Benchtop Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer


The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive benchtop Orbitrap system combines high-performance quadrupole precursor selection with high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) Orbitrap detection.

The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive benchtop Orbitrap system combines high-performance quadrupole precursor selection with high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) Orbitrap detection. The superior quality of Q Exactive MS/MS data provides ultimate confidence for a wide range of both qualitative and quantitative (Qual/Quan) applications. With innovative HR/AM Quanfirmation™ capability, the Q Exactive mass spectrometer makes it possible to identify, quantify and confirm more trace-level metabolites, contaminants, peptides and proteins in complex mixtures-in one analytical run.

To find out more about the innovative new Q Exactive LC-MS/MS systems and the full line of Orbitrap mass spectrometers, visit

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