Recently the US EPA published a list of 30 UCMR4 (the 4th Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule) analytes which may potentially be present in tap water but are not yet subject to EPA’s drinking water standards set under the Safety Drinking Water Act. Four among the 30 UCMR4 compounds, including o-toluidine, quinoline, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and dimethipin, are determined by EPA method 530 using solid phase extraction (SPE) and GC/MS detection. In this study, analytes were extracted using UCT’s divinylbenzene based sorbent (HLDVB). GC/MS SIM method with solvent standard calibration was carried out for data acquisition and analyte quantitation.
Pick Your Poison. Isolation of Paclitaxel (Mar 2025)
March 7th 2025The diterpenoid, paclitaxel, which was identified as a potent chemotherapy agent for breast and ovarian cancer originates from the Pacific Yew tree. The isolation of paclitaxel from its major impurities is shown with the use of Hamilton’s PRP-1 (5 µm) HPLC column.