Emerging Drugs, Tests, and Analyses in the Toxicology Field


E-Separation Solutions

This Tuesday morning workshop will feature several discussions involving LC?MS-MS that will be of interest to our readers.

Session 810

Room 409, 8:00 a.m.

This Tuesday morning workshop will feature several discussions involving LC–MS-MS that will be of interest to our readers.

This workshop was organized by Kory Kelly of Phenomenex (Torrance, California) and Borislav Starcevic of the University of California (Los Angeles, California). The workshop will begin with opening remarks from Kelly and continue with a presentation by Les Edinboro (Quest Diagnostics) on tricks and traps when applying LC–MS-MS to clinical toxicology.

The next presentation, "A Streamlined Method for Drugs of Abuse from Urine Using LC–MS-MS that Significantly Reduces Cost per Sample" will be given by Sky Countryman of Phenomenex. Following this will be a presentation from William Ofsa of NMS Labs. Ofsa's talk will focus on using mass spectrometry in a variety of drug analyses.

After a short recess, the workshop will continue with Borislav Starcevic's discussion, "Solving hCG Issues in Doping Control by LC–MS-MS." Charles Kazarian of Navy Drug Screening Laboratories will give the next presentation titled, "Spice: Unravelling the Mystery."

The last presentation in this workshop will be given by Frank W. Crow of the Mayo Clinic who will address causes, evaluation, solutions, and monitoring of ion/matrix suppression in LC–MS-MS. The session will conclude with a brief discussion and wrap-up.

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