The Benefits of Moving from Single to Multi-detector Size-exclusion Chromatography


LCGC Europe eNews

The addition of extra detectors such as light scattering and intrinsic viscosity to a single-detector size-exclusion chromatography system or, better still, the use of an integrated multi-detector size-exclusion chromatography system can pay significant dividends in the breadth of sample information generated.

The addition of extra detectors such as light scattering and intrinsic viscosity to a single-detector size-exclusion chromatography system or, better still, the use of an integrated multi-detector size-exclusion chromatography system can pay significant dividends in the breadth of sample information generated. This leads to a greater understanding of molecular weight, structure and composition, and hence can shorten the time required for process optimization.

Molecular weight can be measured independently of sample retention volume, eliminating the issues of column calibration, and intrinsic viscosity provides a direct measure of sample structure. The addition of a second concentration detector allows compositional information to be obtained. This webcast will provide an overview of multi-detector technologies and how they can benefit applications such as synthetic polymers, polysaccharides and proteins.

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