This afternoon, the winners of the LCGC Awards will be honored in an oral symposium at Pittcon. Milton L. Lee of Brigham Young University will receive the 2016 LCGC Lifetime Achievement Award at 1:30, and Debby Mangelings of the Free University of Brussels (Vrie Universiteit Brussel), will receive the 2016 LCGC Emerging Leader Award at 3:45 pm, just after the break. The symposium will be held in room B314.
This afternoon, the winners of the LCGC Awards will be honored in an oral symposium at Pittcon. Milton L. Lee of Brigham Young University will receive the 2016 LCGC Lifetime Achievement Award at 1:30, and Debby Mangelings of the Free University of Brussels (Vrie Universiteit Brussel), will receive the 2016 LCGC Emerging Leader Award at 3:45 pm, just after the break. The symposium will be held in room B314. Following the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award, Lee will give a talk on columns in small-scale chromatography. Pat Sandra of the Research Institute for Chromatography will then discuss recent chromatographic and mass spectrometric developments applied to the characterization of recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, and antibody-drug conjugates. Rounding out the first part of the program, Milos Novotny of Indiana University will give a presentation entitled, “Analytical Glycoscience: Quo Vadis?” After receiving the Emerging Leader Award, Mangelings will discuss generic chiral separation strategies for pharmaceutical compounds using chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques. Bezhan Chankvetadze of Tbilisi State University will then discuss recent trends in HPLC separation of enantiomers. Read about Lee and Mangelings in the article in our February issue.
Best of the Week: Food Analysis, Chemical Migration in Plastic Bottles, STEM Researcher of the Year
December 20th 2024Top articles published this week include the launch of our “From Lab to Table” content series, a Q&A interview about using liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC–HRMS) to assess chemical hazards in plastic bottles, and a piece recognizing Brett Paull for being named Tasmanian STEM Researcher of the Year.
Using LC-MS/MS to Measure Testosterone in Dried Blood Spots
December 19th 2024Testosterone measurements are typically performed using serum or plasma, but this presents several logistical challenges, especially for sample collection, storage, and transport. In a recently published article, Yehudah Gruenstein of the University of Miami explored key insights gained from dried blood spot assay validation for testosterone measurement.
Determination of Pharmaceuticals by Capillary HPLC-MS/MS (Dec 2024)
December 19th 2024This application note demonstrates the use of a compact portable capillary liquid chromatograph, the Axcend Focus LC, coupled to an Agilent Ultivo triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical drugs in model aqueous samples.