ASMS Wednesday Morning Tutorial Workshops


From 10:00 to 11:30 am CDT today, six workshops are being held.

From 10:00 to 11:30 am CDT today, six workshops are being held and are as follows:

  • Wed-01 Compound Identification by Mass Spectral Library Searching, Presided by Xiaoyu Yang and Stephen Stein. The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for participants to learn what a mass spectral library is, what libraries are available, how to use them, how to build their own, and problems and solutions arising when searching libraries.

  • Wed-02 Multi-omics Research using Mass Spectrometry, Presiders are Pratik Jagtap, Susan Weintraub, and Timothy Griffin. Workshop topics will include experiences with integrating advanced mass spectrometry technology methods and meta-omics analysis for characterizing complex microbiome. Proteogenomics talk will cover integrating diverse data types and developing statistical methods to analyze large comprehensive proteogenomics datasets. Analytical methods in genomics, epigenomics, and metabolomics to characterize disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets will also be covered.

  • Wed-03 Networking for Scientists: Celebrating Women Mass Spectrometrists Year 3, Presided by Anumita Saha, Erin Baker, and Komal Kedia. The third year of this workshop will focus on creating more opportunity for more one-on-one interaction with panelists. Throughout the workshop, participants will be prompted to rotate to a new panelist enabling ample opportunity for networking.

  • Wed-04 Machine Learning: How Is It Enhancing Mass Spectrometry? The Presiders are Gaurav Chopra, Graham Cooks, and Hilkka Kenttämaa. This workshop will address revolutionary changes in data science and artificial intelligence that may result in new opportunities at the interface between data and MS based measurement science.

  • Wed-05 Art,Archaeology, and Paleontology, Presider will be Enrico Cappellini. This workshop aims at sharing experience on innovative and advanced methods for sample preparation, mass spectrometry measurement and automated data analysis, focusing in particular on the challenging specificities of cultural heritage materials.

  • Wed-06 MassIVE.Quant: Enabling Community Access to Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Data Presider is Olga Vitek. After briefly illustrating the goals of the MassIVE.quant platform with common use cases, this workshop will focus on the open discussion of features, data and accessibility standards that would best meet the research needs of mass spectrometry research labs attempting to share or reuse quantitative MS data in the public domain.