ASMS 2023: A Look at the Wednesday Afternoon Oral Session on GC–MS Instrumentation and Applications


On June 7th from 2:30–4:30 pm, an oral session on GC–MS instrumentation and applications will take place. We preview this session here.

From 2:30–4:30 pm, an oral session will be held in Room 332, titled “GC/MS: Instrumentation and Applications”. Session Chair Jean-Francois Focant of the University of Liege will preside over the event’s several talks, which all focus on how GC–MS can be applied in different situations.

Beginning the event, the 2:30 pm talk will be led by Aviv Amirav of Tel-Aviv University in Tel-Aviv, Israel, with a focus on the expected and unexpected multiple benefits of GC–MS with cold EI.

Following this, at 2:50 pm, Yufang Zheng of NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland will lead a talk on enhancing the coverage and quality of spectra of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in a comprehensive electron ionization mass spectral library.

Next, the 3:10 pm talk will be led by Damia Barcelo of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) in Girona, Spain, the University of Girona in Girona, Spain, and the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research - Spanish Council for Scientific Research (IDAEACSIC) in Barcelona, Spain. This will focus on the unequivocal identification and trace level determination of microplastics present in Mediterranean beaches by pyrolysis-GC–MS with F-Search tools.

The 3:30 pm talk will be led by Yuta Matsuoka of Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan, with a focus on the structural library of oxidized lipid-derived volatiles and its application to breath biomarker discovery.

Afterwards, the 3:50 pm talk, led by Stephanie Rankin-Turner of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, will explore mosquito olfactory preferences with whole body volatilomics.

The final talk will commence at 4:10 pm and be led by Caroline E. R. Rowell of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. It will discuss the identification of different hydrocarbons in aviation fuels by using two-dimensional gas chromatography/methane chemical ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

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