May 1st 2008ArticleContents
The application of UHPLC-MS for the analysis of schedule 1 drugs of abuse in candied and chocolate matrices Chris Loran and Jason R. Stenzel A small molecule HPLC-chip for the high-sensitivity quantification of pharmaceuticals using triple quadrupole MS. Stephan Buckenmaier, Martin Vollmer, Lukas Trojer and Corinne Emotte Evaluation of extraction methods and bias correction by EPA method 6800 protocol for mercury species in tuna fish tissue using an ion chromatograph coupled to an ICP-MS L.H. Reyes, G.M. Mizanur Rahmun, T. Fahrenholz, L. Tucker and H.M. "Skip" Kingston. Meeting preview 25th Montreux symposium on LC-MS. News All the news for May 2008. Incognito Incognito asks whether continuing professional development should be mandatory for analytical chemists and if so, how could a recognized standard be implemented for assessing basic competencies? Market trends & analysis Glenn Cudiamat provides a report on laboratory gas generators.